Team Building entertainment


Team Building Animation is an HR tool at the service of companies

We do not offer on this page a definition of Team Building:

If you are here, you no longer wonder "why to do a team building", but rather "how to succeed !" (no not hesitate to consult this very good definition of Team Building on Wikipedia if necessary, but come back to see us afterwards, because this is where it comes to the engine: the Team Building animation).

When it comes to team building animation, it is not just about entertainment.

Even if we talk about organizing games to unite a team, even if the fun of animation is essential, Team Building meets strategic objectives that go beyond “simple” play.

Animation Team Building par Cinéréa Events

This type of activity and event is generally organized outside working hours in order to convey the feeling of leisure and free time shared with employees of the same company or the same team.

In this way, not only are working hours not wasted, but employees are also encouraged to take part in original leisure activities that they probably would not do in their personal life, in order to galvanize the spirit of the company’s team.

Team building animation is an HR tool, no more and no less.

Team Building positions a team in a “neutral” context, external to the company, but in situations similar to those encountered at work.

Animateur séminaire entreprise en pleine action

For its part, the Team Building animation acts as a binder. It makes it possible to guide the operation and to stimulate the resources which make it possible to very quickly produce functional and efficient group phenomena.

To illustrate, if the Team Building brings together the elements of a good wine, the animator is the winemaker !

The objective of a team building activity is therefore to stimulate a team spirit among the participants with a common project.

Make them want to work together, to surpass themselves and have fun.


Animate a Team Building to consolidate the managerial policy

#Team employee motivation

How to motivate a team during a team building seminar?

Employee motivation is at the heart of business dynamics. Many levers are available to human resources to stimulate, increase and guide motivation at work:

  • some aim for the long term.
  • others target more immediate effects.

Shared success gives employees a very gratifying image of collaborative success, joint production is associated with intense and liberating pleasure, which is precisely the purpose of team building animation:

  • (re) enchant teamwork
  • (re) promote the actors
  • (re) inject pleasure into work.

And, not far behind ... employee motivation!

Among these, the team building seminar is certainly the most dense, the most effective tool, when the question of how to motivate a team (or re-motivate) quickly arises.

Indeed, the transposition of team skills in a playful, original, funny and stimulating context, outside the areas of daily tension, mathematically produces the synergy of these same skills in the positive achievement of the objectives proposed by the team building animator.

#Team cohesion

Team building animation, an activity to unite a team

The literal translation of "Team Building" is “activity to unite a team”. We prefer to say “Team Building games to unite the team”, that's to emphasize the playful approach essential to us.

It will be understood that a team cohesion game does not have the mission of solving problems within a company.

Its mission, when it is supervised, guided, joyfully led by professionals animators, is to create links, to get to know each other better, to overcome prejudices, to unlock and facilitate the human dynamics essential to the smooth running of a business.

It's all part of an activity to unite a team!

A successful Team Building animation creates important moments...

... which make it possible to identify or unblock communication, trust, esteem issues ... From there, it is up to the manager, the consultant to work on the identified points.

L'objectif du Team Building est donc avant tout de stimuler la cohésion des salariés en vue d'optimiser :

  • leur capacité à travailler ensemble
  • la fluidité de leurs interactions.


What could be better than wine or gastronomy to unite a team while having fun?

Our wine-fun selection for an original Team Building animation

Real Team Building is about more than "just" teamwork. For a good Team Building, you obviously need good support and an astonishing theme that arouses desire and curiosity.

You also need a competent team of Team Building animators, able to detect shyness, apprehensions, lack of confidence ... and use them to obtain the necessary emulation, dynamism, the desire to succeed and to take to the game.

So yes to the original Team Building animations ! And "doubly" yes to innovative, atypical and surprising concepts!

On the theme of wine, we have selected for their originality some Wine-fun events that we hope will inspire:


Your quote for Team Building entertainment

Depending on your brief, we will advise you on the best formula: contact us
06 61 76 34 12

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    Déroulé d'une animation Team Building par Cinéréa

    From the briefing to the delivery of the service, the CINEREA processes are very structured.

    We are committed to ensuring optimal customer satisfaction by delivering Team Building entertainment that keep their promises.


    In pre-production

    1. initial contact and telephone briefing with the Team Building organizer or the management.
    2. detailed presentation of the service, accompanied by a video, and sending of the quote during the day.
    3. the project manager visits the place of the Teambuilding and gets in touch with the interlocutors. He collects practical information: assembly times, language, number of client-side teams, service schedules.
    4. internal constitution of the animation staff for the Team Building. Brief of the production, preparation of the material, timing of the meeting with the animators.