About Cinéréa

Exemple d'animation séminaire professionnel

Event provider, animation specialist

CINÉRÉA is above all a team of men and women with a desire to bring wine to life in a different way.

Want to dramatize it, to animate it, to give it another conviviality, to make it fun and accessible ?

At the base of these concepts, Arnaud HOULÈS, great lover of wine, history and anecdotes who decided more than 20 years ago now to create his own signature: Oenoludism.


Animation concepts around wine

CINÉRÉA stages original activities around Wine and Gastronomy in the form of games.

VINI VEGAS®, the wine casino created in 2000, will quickly become the leader of CINÉRÉA, which thanks to it, will allow the creation of the first network of wine animation distributors in France.

Other animation products will follow, giving birth to the very particular label of "Oenoludism".

This little neologism perfectly sums up the activity of CINÉRÉA, the Oenoludism Event.

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Frequently asked questions about Cinéréa ?

First of all, why “Cinerea”?

Originally from Anjou, Arnaud Houlès studied and appreciated local wines, which are mostly sweet wines made from noble rot, also called in technical terms Botrytis Cinerea.

Botrytis is rot, Cinéréa is the nobility of the wine that emerges from it. It is a shortcut that is very modestly at the origin of the name of the company CINÉRÉA!

So nothing to do with cinema but rather with the staging of wine for the production of large-screen animations!

To experience lively wines!

Animation événementielle par Cinéréa

What are “OenoGames”?

Oeno means wine. “OenoGames” summarizes the spirit of CINEREA INTERNATIONAL Products. “OenoGaming” is a convivial way to learn about wine, through games, historical facts, creative staging and overall entertainment.

Our staff is composed of trained and bilingual Entertainers who are either former wine professionals / educators or wine amateurs


Your personalized quote

Mainly focused on business seminars with team - buildings and tasting concepts for businesses, CINEREA is also developing as a consultant for event venues, restaurants, bars and individuals to provide other services. May Enoludism be with you !!!
06 61 76 34 12

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